Valentine's Project: Project 7 of 7
The Power of Community
This is the last of the Valentine's Series, and I want to dedicate this to my family, friends and community of supporters. I am overwhelmed by the power of community.
The Valentine's Project Series was labor intensive, though certainly a labor of love. After several failed paintings, there were days I wanted to hang up my brushes and quit. I felt like I would never be good enough. I would see other amazing artists online, and after seeing their incredible portfolios, I felt like I could never measure up. I felt like I was swimming against the current, and the most destructive pull of all was my own self doubt.
What kept me moving everyday was the community around me. My husband cheered me on daily, taking over the cooking and grocery shopping so I could finish the paintings for each day. I was encouraged by all of you who reposted my contest, shared with friends, and served as my cheerleaders and inspiration through it all. Also, thank you to those I have not had the good fortune to meet, maybe one day, who submitted your email in the contest. Reading your stories of service made every hardship, every frustration worthwhile.
I asked you all to give to others in the Valentine's Project, but I want you all to know that you gave me more than you can imagine. The gift of encouragement to carry on, to pursue my dreams, and hopefully through my art, make the world a better place.
With deepest gratitude,